Monday, September 1, 2014

Let there be light from High Point, N.C. Spring 2014

So there I am,first day at High Point Market and I already fall in love within 5 minutes of the show. 
This chandelier has everything I love. Drama, turquoise,beading and iron. I know this isn't everyone's style, but I have a recent new found adoration for turquoise. One caveat, this chandelier is $3,000.00. It's not exactly in my budget. So when I return from the show, with fond memories of this light,months later I find myself in Home Goods. The lamp department calls my name and the love of my lighting life appears!
No,it wasn't Thom Felicia. I met him at High Point and I was like a gushing design nerd. He was great. He designs  fabric and furniture for Vanguard Furniture. I've used their furniture in most of my designs.
So, at Home Goods, before me I see

Only $89.00.  I think I can handle that. So these beauties came right home with me.
On my Turquoise tangent,I create my 'Color Files'. I take images from Pinterest and put them together by color,pattern, texture and symbols. This is the inspirational file I created.
Have a wonderful day!!!

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